Great British Food Christmas 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Bevsbeenbaking Christmas Cake, from£20, Using dark Belgian chocolate and Penderyn LegendWelsh whiskey, the finest fruit is soaked until plump and cooked slowly, bringing a deep, sweet and rich flavour to this award-winning fruit cake. 2 Hawkshead Relish Fruity Cranberry Sauce, £7.95, A family recipe with cranberries, Bramley apples, spices and a hint of lemon juice. A must-have for every Christmas table. 3. TRUEFoods Turkey Gravy, from£3.75, This delicious rich gravy tastes home-made and just needs heating up – meaning you can get back to focusing on the roast potatoes. TIME TO FEAST It’s themoment we’ve all beenwaiting for... Tuck into our pick of Britain’smost delicious festive fare 4. Packington Free Range, Free Range Cockerel, from£59.99, Each cockerel is given time tomature slowly and naturally – this allows for depth of flavour to develop alongside moist, tender meat. 5. Home by Simon Rogan, Irish Linen Napkins Set of 4, £50, shop Beautifully crafted as part of the Flourish 'Sew& Skill' programme, these napkins are made by survivors of trafficking in Northern Ireland, with proceeds going to the Flourish charity. 6. DukesHill Turkey Paupittes, £14, DukesHill’s Turkey Paupiettes are handmade using free-range turkey breast escalope, which is beaten flat then stuffed with a pork sausagemeat stuffing before being rolled and wrapped with DukesHill’s dry cured bacon. greatbr i t i 42 SHOPP ING | CHRI STMAS DINNER